“One on One Coaching is for women who are looking to transform their lives, achieve their dreams, learn the art of self-love and find their inner groove and purpose.
It will help to put you on the path to a fulfilling, happy, empowered, abundant and positive future and to achieve the things that you currently only dream of!”
The One on One ‘Love Happy Vibes’ Coaching works:
– To recognize and break conditioned and ingrained patterns of negative thoughts/actions and replace them with positive associations/thoughts/affirmations/actions
– To discover and understand your soul purpose and take the steps to achieving alignment and ultimately fulfilling that purpose
– To grow in self-awareness, self-esteem and self-love. Learning to appreciate and love all that you are and all that you have to offer
– To attract wholesome love and happiness in all types of relationships; friendship, family or romantic connections. To learn the art of soul communication and honesty
– To balance the material and egotistical sides of yourself and find inner contentment, peace and tranquility
– To live a healthier lifestyle through the wellbeing of nutrition, exercise and emotional and mental nourishment
– To release and let go of past hurts/addictions/influences and make peace with challenges and cycles that have held you back
– To clear any energetic or mental blockages/resistance/fear/guilt/worry and guide you toward reclaiming your power and achieving authentic love and happiness
– (Optional dependent on your requirements) To connect to those who work with you in the spiritual realms, be it your guides or helpers. To connect with the spirit world and further understand how to read energy.
Please note that all sessions are undertaken via Zoom, WhatsApp, Phone or Email
The Love Happy Vibes Programme begins with:
Introductory Session – Identifying core desires and things you wish to achieve from the coaching. I will provide you with a personal and soul path reading plus analysis of your current situation and a breakdown of the key elements we will work upon in the next sessions. I will explain techniques and simple ways to kick start the coaching until our next session.
Sessions 2- 10 – Working together to achieve empowerment, happiness and inner love to benefit all areas of your life. These sessions will sometimes be intense and provoke reactions but ultimately will be fun and inspiring – leaving you to notice an immediate difference in your thoughts and emotions.
Single One Hour Sessions:
Single One Hour Sessions are available. A unique adapted programme can be drawn up for you upon request
If you’re interested in the full Love Happy Vibes Programme described above – the programme spans 10 x One Hour Sessions (including an Introductory Session) and is available at a unique price. Enquire for further details.